Speed Dating Tips For Women from the Experts

For single ladies, speed dating in London with True Dating is an excellent way to meet another singleton that they could potentially develop a connection with. This is often a popular option rather than venues such as pubs or nightclubs, where some people may not be ready for a relationship, when it comes to speed dating, all singles attending the event are also looking for love.

So, what tips do we have for girls attending their first speed dating event?

1: Allow Yourself Plenty of Time to Arrive

Being late for anything can be stressful - especially when the event is a speed dating session. If you arrive really late, you may discover that the speed dates have already begun, and you may miss out on the opportunity to speak with some potentially intriguing singles.

Not only that, but if you're running late, you're likely to be stressed, which might result in you showing up hurried and sweaty for your first speed date.

So, it's very important to give yourself plenty of time to get to your True Dating Speed Dating event!

2: Network with Other Women

Even though you've signed up for our speed dating events with the intention of finding love, that doesn't mean you can't use these dates to foster friendships as well. We are all aware of how difficult it can be to make friends as adults, with many of us attempting to maintain school friendships or socialising with coworkers.

However, during True Dating's speed dating events, you'll have the opportunity to interact and chat with other single ladies your age. This is an excellent opportunity to create connections for future events or maybe to find a gym mate or someone to attend hobby nights with.

3: Prepare a List of Questions That Are Important to You

We all have relationship deal breakers, which is why speed dating is so popular. As thesebrief 4-5-minute dates allow you to ask questions that may indicate whether or not this individual is compatible with you, such as if they are a dog or cat person. Therefore, equip yourself with some questions – but refrain from firing them out like interview questions, as this may be extremely off-putting to others.

Even better, having your own questions means that if your date comes over and is stumped for what to say, you can avoid discomfort by asking your own questions!

4: Maintain an Open Mind

The nice thing about speed dating in London with True Dating is that it pushes you to have brief encounters with singles you may not have considered previously. So, when a date walks over and they might not be your particular type or they might come from a different background to you, in a bar you would probably make your excuses and leave, but with speed dating, you should always keep an open mind.

Just because this individual is unlike others you've dated in the past does not mean there are no feelings there. After all, those previous relationships did not work out – and now may be the right opportunity to make a change!

5: Wear something that will make you standout

When we plan to go on a date, often the first thing we think about is what we're going to wear. Although important, it's certainly not the most important thing. Make sure that you're comfortable and feel great in whatever outfit you choose. When you look good you naturally feel good. But if you can also wear something that will make you stand out from the crowd and make your dates remember you then even better.

This could be a super cool or quirky necklace, set of earrings or killer shoes. Remember you will be seen, sitting behind a table, so ideally something that's visable to your date would increase your chances of being remembered.

6: Remember everyone is just as nervous you

Going on a typical first date is scary enough as it is but going on 15 in one night can seem overwhelming. Most people who attend our events do so for the first time. They're sometimes nervous and don't know what to expect. Once the night starts the nerves quickly go away and by the end of the event, they wonder why they were nervous at all.

So, if you're feeling nervous remember everyone else is in the same boat and most likely feeling exactly the same. And if you're lucky enough to be super confident please remember not all your dates will be. Some are maybe shy or get tongue-tied or just don't know what to say. In these instances, the date can still be rescued with a comforting word or two or a bit of reassurance.

7: If You Don’t Meet Someone Your First Night – Book Again!

You may attend your first speed dating event and leave without meeting anyone you'd like to go on a date with, which is perfectly fine.

This should not discourage you from speed dating with True Dating, since you never know who may book into the next event with you. Just remember, that with speed dating, you will meet and talk with significantly more singles in one night than you would in a bar.