Best Tips to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work

Alright, so you're in one of those long-distance relationships, huh? Well, buckle up, because maintaining these suckers requires some serious brainpower and effort. Long distance relationships aren’t ever planned, you can’t know you’re going to fall in love with someone on that trip to New York. But when you get struck by the love bug distance just seems like a romantic obstacle we can overcome. In this blog we are going to take a deep dive into long distance relationships, offer some brilliant long distance relationship advice and even offer some unique long distance relationships tips that guarantee you don’t fall at the first hurdle.

Long Distance Relationship Advice

As not everyone who attends our speed dating event lives in the city, long distance relationships can be quite a common theme when people meet at our events. Of course, we are talking about different post codes rather than continents, but the same rules still apply to make them work. Trust is emphasized as the foundation of the relationship, requiring partners to believe in each other and remain faithful despite the physical distance. Commitment is crucial, with both partners dedicating themselves to nurturing the relationship and making it a priority in their lives. Additionally, advice often suggests finding creative ways to stay connected, such as scheduling regular virtual dates, surprising each other with thoughtful gestures, and setting clear expectations for the relationship. Ultimately, successful long-distance relationships require effort, patience, and a strong emotional connection between partners.

Things to do in a long-distance relationship

Below we have listed 12 rules to follow which will hopefully keep your LDR on track:

1: Communication Quarrels

Settle on how much you're going to talk to each other. If one of you wants to chat like old pals on a coffee break and the other is more of a "send me a pigeon once a week" type, find a compromise. Also, schedule your chats like it's a date with destiny. It's like being a detective, but instead of solving crimes, you're just figuring out when to text.

2: Independence Invasion

Remember, you're not Siamese twins, you're individuals! Keep up with your own stuff and don't cling to your phone like it's your life raft. Also, spending time with other humans is good for you. Just don't forget your partner exists.

3: Date Night Dilemma

Missing dates in person is a no-go. Treat your long-distance lover just like you would someone who can actually share a pizza with you. If you're going to bail on a call, at least send a raven or something.

4: Communication Mixtape

Spice up your conversations by switching up the channels. Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, carrier pigeon—get creative! Just don't overwhelm yourself with too many chats, or you'll end up more confused than a chameleon in a bag of Skittles.

5: Boring is Beautiful

Don't just talk about the deep stuff; share the mundane too. Like that time you stepped in cat vomit. It's the little things that bring you closer, like a shared disgust for feline-induced chaos.

6: Intimacy Innovation

Depending on your religious beliefs, Christian’s for example might want to skip this rule, but we all know physical intimacy is important in the early days of a relationship, especially in Christian Dating. Now of course distance makes this a challenge, but hey, technologies got your back! Sexy pics, phone sex, and love letters are all on the table. Just make sure you're both on the same page, or things could get awkward faster than a penguin in a sauna.

7: Stuff Swap

Keep reminders of each other around. You know, like leaving your toothbrush at their place, but on a grander scale. It's like playing house but with a side of emotional attachment.

8: Quality Time Quest

Plan visits like you're plotting a bank heist. Get creative with travel options and meet halfway if you can. It's like a romantic rendezvous, but with less sneaking around.

9: Virtual Vacations

Can't go grocery shopping together? Stream a movie or take a walk while on the phone. It's like being together, but without the awkward cart collisions.

10: Hobby Hijinks

Pick a hobby and do it together, even if you're miles apart. Just try not to paint your cat while your partner's woodworking. It's a recipe for disaster.

11: Financial expectations

If you want to see each other regularly, you might have to invest a significant amount of time and money to make those visits. Those costs can quickly add up, even if you take turns scheduling time off work and paying for trips. Really think about the practical aspects and don’t let resentment build up.

12: Stay Connected

This just isn’t about sending a text every day. The physical distance separating you and your partner can make it seem as if you’re living separate lives, even if you both feel firmly committed. Creating a sense of a shared life is one unique issue that can quickly end a long-distance relationship.

So there you have it, the ultimate guide to keeping the flame alive in your long-distance romance. It may sound like hard work but let’s face it, all relationships are. And ultimately if it’s meant to be you will find a way to figure it out and eventually be together in one place.

For more expert advice on this topic please visit this excellent blog: How to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work, According to Experts