8 Ways To Escape The Friend Zone

Ah, the dreaded friend zone. The last place anyone in love (or, in ‘like’) wants to be. When you have feelings for someone, it can be frustrating when they don’t seem to reciprocate or even know that your feelings are there.

Is the friend zone a permanent destination? Not always. There are plenty of ways to escape the friend zone and develop a real relationship with the person you care about. Today, we’re sharing how to go from friend zone to end game in a few easy steps.

Here are the top 8 ways to get out of the friend zone:

1: Put Yourself First.

This might seem counterintuitive, but it’s important to prioritize yourself. When we have feelings for someone, we often want to drop everything for them. Being at the beck and call of your person 24/7 isn’t going to get you out of the friend zone, but it might just be damaging to you.

It is possible to put yourself first and still be there for the person you care about. Dating is a balancing act, so just make sure you stay true to yourself and prioritize your needs. Trust me, they’ll respect you more for it.

2: Stop Being So Available.

Nobody wants to be dating someone they could have without lifting a finger. As they say, nothing worth having comes easy. This applies to people, too! Even if we don’t think we do, we all want someone we have to work a little for.

The chase is what makes it so rewarding to finally cross the finish line. Wait a little longer to text back, don’t say yes every time they want to hang out, even check out some London dating events. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

3: Take Things Slow.

Being impatient will get you nowhere, so slow your roll. Getting unstuck from the friend zone won’t happen overnight, so keep in mind that good things take time. If you try to take things too fast, you could wind up making them uncomfortable, and that’s the last thing you want to do.

The friend zone is a tricky and delicate place to be, so be prepared to take things slowly and avoid ruining your chances altogether. It may not seem like it, but one of the best ways to get out of the friend zone is to practice patience.

4: Make Strides Towards Self-improvement.

Two of the most attractive qualities a person can have are confidence and the desire to better oneself. By making strides towards self-improvement, you are bound to become more confident, and your person will notice.

Insecurity isn’t hot, so start working on the things about yourself you don’t love. Want to get more fit? Hit the gym. Want to dress better? Go shopping. Want to learn how to relax? Start meditating. Stop making excuses and become the best version of yourself.

5: Show Them That You’re Desired.

If you’re looking for ways to escape the friend zone, you have to change the way they view you. Right now, they only see you as a friend. It’s time to show them that you can be so much more than that. Start to look at the London dating scene as your oyster.

I’m not saying you should intentionally mess with their feelings, but don’t be afraid to go on dates or to speed dating events. Let them see that you don’t just live to please them and there are others out there who want to be with you. This is how you start to break down the “friend” perception they have in their mind when they think of you.

6: Win Over Their Friends.

It’s a tale as old as time. Boy likes girl… Boy wins over friends… Friends tell girl how amazing boy is… Girl suddenly sees boy in a new light… Boy and girl start dating and live happily ever after. Okay, it might not be this easy, but befriending their friends can certainly help.

Once you’ve developed a level of trust with their friends, consider confiding your feelings in one of them. A person’s friends are the best wingmen, so let them help you cross over from friends to dating.

7: Get Physical.

Physical contact has a very real correlation with how somebody feels about you. Many people think that feelings are what cause people to make physical contact, but in reality physical contact can play a huge role in increasing the level of attraction someone feels for you. It’s important to clarify that I am by no means giving you permission to be creepy.

Rather, try to spice things up a bit by adding the occasional touch to the equation. This could include saying hello with a quick hug, brushing their hand when you walk next to one another, or gently touching their arm during conversation. These subtle actions can go a long way in helping your person see you as someone they could consider dating.

8: Tell Them How You Feel.

If all else fails, you could always take the most shocking approach of all: total honesty! That’s right, singles. Scary, I know, but at least this way there will be no denying that they know exactly how you feel.

Keep in mind that if they don’t share the same feelings, this may make things a little awkward for a while. That being said, it’s way better to get an answer than to spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been. Maybe you wind up dating, or maybe you head back out to some London dating events, but at least you’ll know the truth.

What If Nothing Works?

Then, I hate to say it, but it’s time to move on. While it is very possible to change the way someone sees you and bring out feelings they didn’t know they had, you can’t force anyone to love you.

Some things just aren’t meant to be. So, if you’ve tried everything above and had no luck, understand that everything happens for a reason. Your person is still out there and you will find them! You’re a catch, don’t forget it.

For more dating advice, check out our other blog posts.