What Does Love Mean?

If you go by books, tv shows or films, falling in love is as easy as walking in the park on a summer’s day. However, it’s never that simple. How do you know when you love someone is a question, we all ask when a new relationship is going well. But it’s important to ask yourself the question: what does love mean? Once you answer this, you can begin to understand the following question. How do you know when you love someone?

Depending on your gender, when a man falls in love can be different to a woman’s experience. And your past experiences of love will always play a part in your future. So, let’s start with how do you know when you love someone.

Here are six sure fire ways to know if you’re starting to fall in love:

1: You Love How They Smell

Ok, this might sound strange but there’s genuine science involved here. Now granted, if someone smells really bad it’s unlikely, you’ll still want to get up close and personal, no matter how much you might love them. But as we are all attracted to Pheromones, if you’re really drawn to someone you will find their natural body odour irresistible. So pay attention to you seeking out their smell on a piece of clothing or your bed sheets.

2: You Don’t Think Twice About Including Them in Your Life

When we start new relationships one of the hardest things to navigate is how does this new person fit into your life. We all have things going on before they enter our lives, and those things will inevitably continue as the relationship progresses. But the more you want this new person to be actively part of your life rather than an extension of it will tell you a lot about whether you love them or not. If you’re going out with friends or a weekly family meal and you can’t imagine going without your new partner, it’s a healthy sign.

3: It’s The Cuddles Not the Sex

So, we all know sex plays a big part of any new relationship. Sometimes it’s all you can think of and want to do which is completely normal. But no matter how great the sex might be or how physically attracted you’re to someone, the relationships that last tend to be built on cuddles rather than sex. Cuddles are where real affection lies. Think about it, would you ever cuddle a one-night stand? Or invite someone who you just kind of liked for cuddles. No. Cuddles are reserved for those we really care for. The ones we feel most comfortable with and most vulnerable. The ones ultimately, we love.

4: Your Ex Is Exactly That

As much as we try and move on from an ex, they tend to always linger in the back of our minds, especially when we are single. But even when we meet someone new, depending on how well the relationship is going we still may find our minds drifting back to our ex or comparing them to our new beau. But when your ex isn’t even an afterthought, or better still if your ex tries to contact you and you don’t think twice about responding. Usually only loving someone new can trigger those actions.

5: It Feels Easy

Just like a speed dating event, relationships can be challenging and need constant work. It’s just a fact. But the good ones just need a touch up now and again. For the most part they’re super easy, mainly because you’re the right people for each other. Those early days should be stress free, fun, and exciting. The more you like someone, and someone likes you, the less hard work it will be. The less games people play. And ultimately the more likely it is that love will blossom as you will both be on the same page.

6: Your Life as A Whole Is Better

Falling in love isn’t just great for your mental and physical health. It’s great for your overall life as it tends to lead to you being a better version of what came before it. You tend to have a generally more positive outlook on life. You say yes to more things. And you’re more open with your emotions which can be detrimental if you previously had bottled them up. Falling in love produces hormones which quite simply make us happier, so if you’re feeling a spring in your step in all aspects of your life then it may just be thanks to one special person.

Now if the above all resonates with you then congratulations, you’ve found what everyone who attends our dating events london is ultimately looking for. Of course, that’s only the first part of this exciting new journey. Telling someone you love them for the first time is the next hurdle you may have to overcome if you haven’t already done so.

You would think it was a nice and easy thing to do. I mean who doesn’t want to be told that they are loved. But we all know that once we say those three magic words, everything can potentially change. Hopefully for the better, especially if the person you say them to say them right back. But there’s always the possibility your feelings won’t be reciprocated. Unfortunately, just because we feel something at a certain point, it doesn’t mean the other person will feel the same. Then or potentially ever. That’s the risk we take when we say those three words and it’s why we are all so cautious when and how often we say them.

But the simple truth about love is that it only exists through vulnerability. To tell someone that you love them, whether it’s the first time or the Millionth time, you are always giving a little piece of your heart to that person. What they choose to do with it is out of your control but if you really love someone it’s meant to be shared.

So, if you’re in a position where you think you’re falling/have fallen in love with someone and want to tell them, we have some simple advice. Do it. In life nothing is more painful than regret and whether you get the answer you’re looking for back from that person, never be afraid to be the first one to show that vulnerability. You never know where it might lead.

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