4 Dating Trends You’re Going To See In Dating

From ditching situationships to being open about mental health struggles early on, we predict these four trends will dominate the dating scene in 2022.

Dating during the past two years has been one hell of an experience. From finding love during lockdown, navigating how to date post-lockdown, the emergence of voicefishing and to vaccine date or not to date - the list of trends in this ever-changing dating game are endless.

The evolution of the pandemic and the chaos that comes with it means we've all had to get comfortable with dating outside of our usual comfort zones and adopt a new form of dating as the landscape continues to change from what we used to know pre-Covid.

Luckily for us, there is a way to get ahead of the curve on what the latest dating trend is whether you swipe left or right or attend one of our speed dating or singles parties.

We have done some extensive research (over a few bottles of wine) and we can now reveal four data-backed dating predictions to watch out for in 2022- and the results may come as a surprise to you.

1: Emotional Equality

After the last two years, prioritising your mental health is more important than ever and daters aren't accepting anyone who isn't doing it.

According to Hinge, 83% of UK users would prefer to date someone who goes to therapy- and you're more likely to get a second date if you mention going to therapy on a first date. Yet only 9% of UK Hinger users feel comfortable bringing up therapy on the first date.

As a result, the dating apps predicts that more users will be open about their mental health journey early on in 2022.

2: Power Of Audio

In 2022, the magazine Stylist predicts we will see more people embracing audio and wanting to hear someone's voice before matching as 64% of readers said voice was an important factor in determining whether they liked someone.

The research also found that people are two times more likely to match with someone if they like a voice prompt - as opposed to a regular prompt or photo - and people will continue actively using this feature in their dating journeys as another way of gauging attraction.

Of course a big advantage of meeting someone at one of our speed dating or singles parties is that you get to hear what the person sounds like straight from the get-go so little time needs to be wasted.

3: Booster Boomers

With the new Omicron variant and booster rollout across the UK, OK Cupid predicts that users will continue to proudly share their vaccination status on their profiles. Research shows that users who indicate that they're vaccinated receive 30% more matches and the app thinks those who share their vaccine status on their profile will get the most success in terms of the number of matches and getting out on great dates.

4: Relationship Go-Getters

The dreaded situationship is something that many people have experience in their lives - so much so that one in three singletons have experiences a 'situationship' in the past year, and 62% report feeling disappointed about it.

For those who haven't heard of the term, a 'situationship' is a non-commital relationship, something casual like friends with benefits where neither person has stated what they are looking for long term.

In 2022, we predict more singletons will be upfront about their goals from the outset and move on swiftly if people don't match their dating intentions. People have already wasted enough time during the last two years, no one will want to waste anymore time with someone who seemingly doesn't know what they want.

Overall, we think 2022 is hopefully going to be the year that things pretty much return back to normality and as such the dating world will be just as busy as pre pandemic levels. People will be more likely to go on dates, meet new people and try and find a long lasting relationship.

Our dating events are designed for this exact purpose and we plan to run bigger and better events in 2022 to give as many people as possible the chance to jump into the dating world and finally ditch the dating apps.

If you would like to start your dating journey then why not try one of our events, for further details click here: www.truedating.co.uk/Events